Following the success of this show in February 2010, the Envol troupe came back to Ombrosa on Monday, October 11 to present “The Inventors of All Things” to all 4 classes of CE1 (G2/Y3).
This musical and poetic play tells the story of an inventor, Rodolpho, who dares to break the traditional rules of creation and mixes animals, flowers and objects for very surprising results!
To see images of the show, please visit http://lesinventeurs.canalblog.com
Here are a few reactions to the show:
« J’ai bien aimé la sauterelle-maison et quand Rodolpho sautait à cloche-pied. »
« I liked it when the bumble-bee flew towards us and we all moved back ! »
« I liked it when Rodolpho was sleeping and the creatures tickled him ! »
« J’ai trouvé que l’actrice nous a donné beaucoup d’émotions quand elle disait les poésies.
– Oui, c’est vrai, et parfois elle faisait des pauses ; ça faisait ressortir certains mots ! »