International and French School
Multilingual Teaching
Lyon & Savoie

Training Course 6°, 5° and 1° *** August 29-30, 2012

On Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 of August, 2012,
following the schedule below.

These courses will be a motivating and efficient introduction to the program of the coming school-year. The atmosphere was relaxed and the diversity of the didactic approaches contributes to the success of the course. There will be no school restaurant available.


                Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 of August 2012


               Entry in 6ème – 5ème

               French course, half days :

               orthography, grammar, expression.


               Wednesday and Thrusday :

              6ème: 9h00-12h00 

              5 ème: 9h00-12h00

             Please make sure to bring the French book.

               Entry in Première

             This course in MANDATORY.

              French course:

              Setting up the expectations for the Baccalaureate, description of the program.

               Wednesday and Thursday :      9h00-12h00


                Students shall bring a cold meal for their lunch on both days.

               Training course: Wednesday 29 and Thrusday 30 of August 2012
               Please make sure to send back this reply-slip
               with the payment for August 23rd at the latest.

              I, the undersigned …………………………………………
              wishes to sign-up my son./daughter …………………………………………………………
              to the training course : French 6ème [__] 25 €
                                                 French 5ème [__] 25 €
                                                 French 1ères [__] 40 €