International and French School
Multilingual Teaching
Lyon & Savoie

Outing in Verdun for 3° and 4° students

As part of their study of WWI, students of 3è (G9/Y10) and 4è (G8/Y9) went to Verdun during the week-end of October 20-21, 2012.

The students of 3è discovered the most famous landmarks of the biggest battlefield in contemporary history. They had a moving visit of the Douaumont Ossuary that contains the unidentified remains of about 130 000 French and German soldiers. They also saw the undergrount citadelle of Verdun, and the Douaumont Fort that allows them to understand the organization of the soldiers’ lives, and then went to the battlefields and the trenches.

They were impressed by the Ossuary and the immensity of the cemeteries, and experienced the almost apocalyptic vision of the battlefield surrounding the Douaumont Fort.