International and French School
Multilingual Teaching
Lyon & Savoie

“The Inventors of All Things” – Performance for the CE1

The “Envol” troupe came back to Ombrosa on Friday, October 19th to present their show “The Inventors of All Things” to our 4 classes of CE1.

This musical and poetic play tells us the story of a creator, Rodolpho, who dares breaking the traditional rules of Creation, and mixes animals, flowers and objects at his will with often surprising results!

To see images from the show, please check the page

After this performance, we have launched a creative contest. We wanted to see the kids’ imagination fly away to follow Rodolpho’s footsteps. We had many participants who wrote poems, made drawings and objects.

We were very impressed by the quality of the work form our young inventors!

A big congrats to all our budding artists!