International and French School
Multilingual Teaching
Lyon & Savoie

Visual Arts’ exhibit of Terminale – International class

Students in Terminale (G12) of the international section organized an exhibit with their work of Visual Arts as part of their final evaluation for the IB.

The Visual Arts program of the IB Diplioma leads students to get geeper into their own expectations and challenge their creative and cultural limitations. By leading the students to think, this class allows them to develop their analytic skills, such as their capacity to solve problems or their divergent reasoning and to acquire some technique and confidence as artists and creators. 

In addition to comparing and exploring Visual Arts in different contexts by adopting different perspectives, students must try and use a wide range of contemporary techniques and medium and think about it critically. This class is meant for students who wish to follow higher studies in the field of Visual Arts as well as students simply looking for a form of personal enrichment in that specific area.” Extract of the IB Program.