Our 6ème students (G6/Y7) discovered no less than 79 ancient microscopes, artistic pieces made of precious materials, during their visit to the Musée des Confluences on November 24th or December 05th 2015.
In the “Species” room of the Museum, students discovered the history of sciences through the invention of the microscope, essential step leading to the discovery of the infinitely small.
A booklet to complete guided them through their discovery of the collection. Students also had the opportunity to manipulate the replicas of the first microscopes of Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek (XVIIth century), the observation with the magnifying glass or the binocular magnifier of “insect jewlery”, sketches and a quizz.. Everything to motivate students and perfectly introduce out new sciences chapter about the cell and the use of the optical microscope!
In addition, most of the students watched a humorous video about the history of the classification fo species that we just studied.
In the end, we talked about the same thins in the museum and in class, but differently!
It makes you want to go back and discover the rest of the museum, right?