International and French School
Multilingual Teaching
Lyon & Savoie

An introduction to body percussion

Discovering rhythms

This week, our music teacher, Mrs Fautley-Lefebvre, organised a very special musical event to celebrate the last week of the trimester, and welcomed Ollie Tunmer. Ollie is the director of the Beat Goes On troup, and a former member of STOMP. He offered to all pupils from CP (G1/Y2) to cinquième (G7/Y8) to take part in a body percussion introduction. Pupils (and teacher!) shared a funny and lively first lesson to learn rhythms from all around the world. Pupils left the class quite enthused at the idea of discovering more and more about body percussions on their own. On Friday afternoon, pupils of CE2 (G3/Y4), CM1 (G4/Y5) and CM2 (G5/Y6) performed their personal music show in front of other pupils and Mr Varenne. This was the perfect way to finish the trimester!

STOMP will be performing at the Maison de la Dance of Lyon, in December 2019.