French Championship UGSEL “Territoire” in Saint-Romain-en-Gal on April 3rd, 2024.
Our students have reached amazing results during this competition.
“Team” results: Our students of the team “junior under 14” got the 1st spot out of 9 teams
Another team reached the 4th spot.
1st spot: Inaya, Daphné, Valentine & Mélissa.
4th spot: Laureen, Ambre & Emeline.
“Single” results: 1st: Daphné
2nd : Inaya
3rd ex æquo: Valentine et Mélissa
Regarding the “under 16” team, Vera, Elsa, Sophie & Lilly once again reached the 1st spot on the podium.
In “single under 16”, Vera reached the 1st spot as well.
The team “elite under 16” (Nora, Maya, Salomé, Léa & Nella) also reached the 1st spot (over 4 teams) :
In single, Nora reached the 1st spot and Nella the 3rd.
Congratulations to all gymnasts and coaches!
A special thanks to Augustin for his participation as coach, which is also greatly appreciated.
The next step will be the competition to the national Championship UGSEL in Moutiers-Les-Mauxfaits on May 28, 29, 30 & 31, 2024.