Whether we speak of only a school year or of a complete schooling, the aim is, at every step of the way, that the commitment of our students within the offered environment remains charged with meaning and success.
Our schooling coordinates the reference to the national school system, the practices and principles of the International Baccalaureate organisatrion, the contributions drawn from other school systems such as the Singapore method for mathematics, or skills like guidance towards bilingualism, command of the educational and pedagogical action. All of these put together allow us to reconcile an ambitious and diverse education with a serein and alive schooling.
In practical terms:
Both Nursery and Elementary Schools associate an access for all to bilingualism and international openness to the French school system.
Lower Secondary School also follows the French school system and carries on with the development of linguistic opportunities and international openness.
Since the 3è class (G9/Y10) and after that in upper secondary school, two distinct courses are available and provide different teachings and diplomas. Students have the possibility to carry on within the French school system leading to the General Baccalaureate, but they can also follow the international section that leads to the International Baccalaureate.
ML6 - Nursery Lyon 6MC - Nursery Lyon CaluireEC - Elementary Lyon CaluireCC - Lower Secondary Lyon CaluireLC - Upper Secondary Lyon CaluireMS - Nursery SavoieES - Elementary SavoieCS - LOWER SECONDARY SAVOIE